
Capital    Astana
Official Languaged Kazakh, Russian
Population 15,399,437
(2009 estimate*)
# Living with HIV/AIDS 13,000
(2009 estimate*)
# Living with TB 33,000
(2009 estimate*)
# of Malaria Cases NE
(2009 estimate*)
*All data is courtesy of globalhealthfacts.org
Updated March 2011

Ministry Foreign Affairs webpage

The Republic of Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia. It is bound by Russia to the North and West; China to the East; and Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan to the South. Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Kazakhstan is ethnically and culturally diverse (with 131 nationalities), in part due to mass deportations received during Stalin's rule. In 2000, it became the first former Soviet republic to repay all of its debt to the International Monetary Fund (7 years ahead of schedule), and boasts a very strong economy still today. Education is universal and mandatory through to the secondary level and the adult literacy rate is 99.5%.

Kazakh wedding party / Photo Credit

LabCap Objectives

  • Strengthening TB diagnostic capacity at the national and oblast levels
  • Strengthening quality management systems (QMS) for the TB laboratory network

Program Highlights

In 2010, the CDC-Central Asia Regional (CAR) Office requested ASM LabCap assistance for enhancement and expansion of TB diagnostic services in Kazakhstan. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the condition of TB bacteriology laboratories deteriorated in many of the Central Asian Republics. With the widespread crisis of multidrug-resistant (MDR)-TB, TB liquid culture is being introduced throughout in Kazakhstan, underscoring the need for further upgrading of TB laboratories.

Following an introductory visit, ASM activities have included:

  • Assisting with the revision of current TB diagnostic algorithm to incorporate new TB diagnostic technologies
  • Strengthening of QMS and training for the implementation of new diagnostics such as the line probe assay at the TB National Reference Laboratory (NRL)
  • Assisting with the implementation of the MGIT960 for TB liquid culture and strengthening of QMS at Almaty City TB Laboratory
  • Reviewing of Kazakhstan biosafety practices and recommendations for alignment with international TB safety requirements
  • Development and presentation of a Biosafety "Training of Trainers" (TOT) for TB NRL and city laboratory heads
  • Participation in Kazakhstan's National TB Meeting, 2011
  • Participation in a workshop for the development of Kazakhstan's National Strategic Plan for TB Laboratories